EFI Live: Requesting a VIN license


EFI Live Commercial Scan and Tune comes with two VIN licenses. To tune more vehicles, you must provide us some information when you purchase VIN or stream licenses.

Requesting a New License

  1. Plug in your EFI Live FlashScan handheld to your laptop.  Its display should be lit up.
  2. Double click on the “EFILive V7.5 Tune Tool” icon to start the software.  If you do not have this on your desktop, go to the “Start” menu and find it under the EFI Live program group.
    EFI Live Tune Tool
  3. Go to the “Help” menu and select “FlashScan V2 / AutoCal V2 VIN Licensing…”  help_vinlicensing
  4. We need two pieces of information from here.  #1 – WE NEED YOUR SERIAL NUMBER.  You can click the “Copy” button to copy it to the clipboard.
  5. Once it has been copied, open up an email to us (or the Comments section of your order) and press Control-V (or right click + select paste).  Doing things this way ensure you don’t make a typo.
  6. Next, click the “Authenticate” table towards the bottom of this window.
  7. On the “Authenticate” tab is another important piece of information we need, the Auth Code.  Click “Copy” to copy the Auth Code to the clipboard.
  8. Go back to your email to us / comments for your order.  Hit Control-V again to paste your Auth Code
  9. That’s it!  Go ahead and submit your Serial + Auth with your order.  If you forget to do so, you can email it to [email protected]

Installing a License Key

After you’ve paid for your licenses, you need to use the information we give you to add them to your EFI Live handheld.

  1. Plug in your EFI Live FlashScan handheld to your laptop.  Its display should be lit up.
  2. Double click on the “EFILive V7.5 Tune Tool” icon to start the software.  If you do not have this on your desktop, go to the “Start” menu and find it under the EFI Live program group.
    EFI Live Tune Tool
  3. Go to the “Help” menu and select “FlashScan V2 / AutoCal V2 VIN Licensing…”
  4. Decision time: What did you purchase?
    • If you purchased an Upgrade to Dodge (from Chevy only) select “Upgrade” (blue)
    • If you purchased a Stream license for unlimited VINs of a certain type of vehicle, select “Add Stream” (yellow)
    • If you purchased a VIN License(s) select “Add VIN” (green)
  5. Look at the email you will have received from us and find the important information.  Activation Code (Red) Number of licenses purchased (yellow)  Total license ount (green)


  6. Enter the Activation code you should have received in the box and click “Add”.   If you’re entering VIN Licenses, you need to adjust the license number before clicking “Add”.  To do this:
    • Look at the license screen to the right and count the number of licenses in use currently. (4 in the pictured example)
    • Add the number of licenses purchased to the number of licenses in use
    • Set the ‘License number’ to this value.


  7. You should see a message informing you that the change was successful.
  8. You should see the new licenses available for use.