F3 product link and articles
Introduction We probably get 20 emails a week of the form: “Dear Moates, My name is ________ and I have a _________ Ford. Can I use your products to tune my car/truck/van/etc. ?” Identifying J3 Port ECMs Our Ford products (F3 chip module, Quarterhorse) will work on pretty much any ECM that has a J3 […]
Introduction Although you can use our Ford hardware ( F3 Jaybird QuarterHorse ) on just about any 86-2004 Ford, software is much more lacking. Currently (2021) there are three primary software packages that support our Ford hardware – Binary Editor, TunerPro RT, EEC Editor. Each software package has a different set of ECMs that it works […]
Fairly regularly we get asked something along the lines of, “I had my car tuned by Joe Bob at Fast Bob’s Racing and he used a ___________ (not ours) chip. I want to make a few changes to the tune myself. What do I need to do it?” Here is the answer: We do NOT officially […]
This article provides a full overview of options and procedures for Ford-based tuning solutions. Everything is discussed, including year/model coverage, hardware compatibility, software licensing, cost breakdown, and tuning strategies. Read through this evolving article if you’re interested in Ford EEC tuning.
Introduction If you’re completely new to burning chips, you may want to take a look at the Beginners’ Guide before reading the rest of this article. You will probably still need to read this guide in order to choose the correct programming parameters unless you’re in the situation where you’re programming a chip that is the […]
Shops and Resellers: If you are interested in purchasing Moates.Net products in bulk, or would like to be a reseller of our products, the following discount structure is available to you: 10% off for 10 – 19 pieces more of a given item 15% off for 20 – 49 20% off for 50 – 99 […]
Good news: Our hardware (Quarterhorse, F3, F8, F2A+F2E) works great on diesel trucks Old Bad news: As of this time (2-25-10) there are NO PUBLIC DEFINITION FILES for software that supports our hardware. (TunerPro RT, EEC Editor, Binary Editor) New Better news: (2-13-13) The Minotaur software available from Power Hungry Performance will spit out bin […]
Our Philosophy: We are a small technically-oriented outfit that focuses on product development not fancy packaging, phone support, and marketing. We bring you high-quality, value-priced products aimed at self-starters willing to read documentation, learn independently and most importantly try things on their own without someone providing guidance every step of the way. About Moates.Net and […]
“I have a Ford. What do I need to tune my car?” is an email we frequently receive. Hopefully this page will provide some answers. We also often get asked, “Can I use your product to let me put _______ on my engine?” The answer to this is very simple: our products let you tune […]
Overview The Jaybird is a USB based device used ONLY for loading tunes onto F3 adapters. It is designed to be the simplest and cheapest solution for programming J3 style Ford chips. It cannot program other chips. The Jaybird CANNOT READ STOCK ECMs!!! If you require this functionality, you need to get BURN2+F2A+F2E instead. Software […]
Overview The F3 is a simple chip for EEC-based Ford ECUs allowing the stock program to be replaced with a tune of your choice. To install, simply clean contacts of the EEC connector with carb cleaner and a mild abrasive such as scotchbrite or 220+ grit sandpaper, and slide the module on. It is critical […]
Tuner Pro is a piece of software written by Mark Mansur that is compatible with a great number of vehicles and ECUs. Download TunerPro here Originally written to modify GM and Ford binaries, the uniqueness of TunerPro is its ability to have Definitions. While this adds a slight layer of complexity to the end user, […]
About Firmware Updates and a Warning Periodically we release new firmware for our products. We generally recommend AGAINST updating firmware unless you have a very specific reason for doing so, as there is always the chance something will go wrong during an update leaving the device bricked in a state where it has to be sent […]
EECEditor is a ROM Editor for many Ford vehicles.