Overview The F3v2 is a simple chip for EEC-based Ford ECUs (~86-04) allowing the stock program to be replaced with a tune of your choice. This unit was introduced in 2016 and replaces the prior F3 chip, which was discontinued due to parts needed to manufacture it no longer being available. Chips are supplied […]
Currently shipping QuarterHorses differ from the original in two subtle ways: There is a circuit to keep the QH’s memory using power from the Keep-Alive-Memory voltage supplied to the ECM with the key off. This should decrease the amount that the QH’s own battery is used in cars regularly driven. The BR2331A solder-on battery has […]
Introduction Logging a wideband in TunerPro RT can be a little complicated because it requires simple algebra and a basic knowledge of how ADCs and widebands work. While there are a few steps, it’s fairly straightforward. The steps to do this are going to be virtually identical for all vehicles that TunerPro works with. This article […]
Cloning Ford ECMs You can use our tools to “clone” a 1986 – 2004 Ford ECM, without needing any definitions or tuning software. There are a few caveats: 1. ECUs must have the same hardware ID. You can’t mix and match tunes from different hardware IDs without having unpredictable (i.e. FAIL) results most of the time. […]
Introduction: Firmware Update There has been one major firmware upgrade for the QuarterHorse. There is minimal impact for EECIV users (i.e. Foxbody, 94-95 GT) but EECV users will see a much bigger difference. What changed? EECV 2 bank operation completely changed (affects 96-98 vehicles ONLY) Fix to data presentation and corruption during large numbers […]
Introduction On some vehicles, the QH doesn’t work well due to an excessive amount of electrical noise or ground potential differences. In these cases, the optoisolator module we sell provides electrical isolation between your laptop and the QuarterHorse. While not a solution to electrical noise issues on the vehicle, it certainly can help. The main […]
Introduction Calibrated MAFs are something you are almost guaranteed to run into sooner or later tuning EECIV Fords. Although largely an artifact of yesteryear when tuning tools were not available, “calibrated” MAFs will work just as well as any other if you understand them. Few of the websites out there will really give you the […]
Introduction We probably get 20 emails a week of the form: “Dear Moates, My name is ________ and I have a _________ Ford. Can I use your products to tune my car/truck/van/etc. ?” Identifying J3 Port ECMs Our Ford products (F3 chip module, Quarterhorse) will work on pretty much any ECM that has a J3 […]
Introduction Although you can use our Ford hardware ( F3 Jaybird QuarterHorse ) on just about any 86-2004 Ford, software is much more lacking. Currently (2021) there are three primary software packages that support our Ford hardware – Binary Editor, TunerPro RT, EEC Editor. Each software package has a different set of ECMs that it works […]
Introduction If you purchase Binary Editor 2012 with a dongle from us, it will come pre-activated for Binary Editor and the Innovate Wideband logger. If you purchased EEC Analyzer, you will need to gather and send some information to Binary Editor’s author so an update can be issued for your dongle. Procedure Fire up Binary […]
Intro All electronics will fail with age. A significant chunk of the failures are due to electrolytic capacitor failure. These components are virtually guaranteed to fail eventually, even under normal use circumstances. There are even calculators that can help you estimate how long a given capacitor will last! So why do manufacturers use these components […]
Introduction The QuarterHorse Ford tuning tool is supported by TunerPro RT version 5 and newer. This document will briefly cover the steps necessary for using the QuarterHorse with TunerPro RT. General Setup First, the QuarterHorse must have its drivers properly installed. The QuarterHorse uses the same FTDI device drivers as most of our other products. […]
Introduction In addition to any definitions you might find on TunerPro’s Webpage or TI Performance‘s webpage, there are also some definitions we try to maintain. If you are going to use the QuarterHorse with any of the strategies on this page with TunerPro, these are the definitions we recommend you use. TunerPro Defs from Moates […]
Fairly regularly we get asked something along the lines of, “I had my car tuned by Joe Bob at Fast Bob’s Racing and he used a ___________ (not ours) chip. I want to make a few changes to the tune myself. What do I need to do it?” Here is the answer: We do NOT officially […]
This article provides a full overview of options and procedures for Ford-based tuning solutions. Everything is discussed, including year/model coverage, hardware compatibility, software licensing, cost breakdown, and tuning strategies. Read through this evolving article if you’re interested in Ford EEC tuning.
Requirements There are two products that we sell that can read the program in a factory ECM: BURN1/BURN2 with a F2A and F2E – This setup can be used to read ECMs on the bench. ECM does not need to be powered. QuarterHorse – This setup requires the ECM to be powered either by a […]
This page is intended to help people who have looked here to figure out if there is support for their vehicle. Each ECM has a 3 or 4 digit processor code that uniquely identifies it. You can tell what strategy a ECM uses from its box code or from looking at a dump of a […]
Good news: Our hardware (Quarterhorse, F3, F8, F2A+F2E) works great on diesel trucks Old Bad news: As of this time (2-25-10) there are NO PUBLIC DEFINITION FILES for software that supports our hardware. (TunerPro RT, EEC Editor, Binary Editor) New Better news: (2-13-13) The Minotaur software available from Power Hungry Performance will spit out bin […]
Binary Editor 2010 In order to issue you a license for Binary Editor, you must first download and install the software. ( ) Once you have downloaded and installed the software, go to the “Register” menu at the top of the screen and select “Register Binary Editor” Next, you will be presented with a […]
“I have a Ford. What do I need to tune my car?” is an email we frequently receive. Hopefully this page will provide some answers. We also often get asked, “Can I use your product to let me put _______ on my engine?” The answer to this is very simple: our products let you tune […]
Overview The Jaybird is a USB based device used ONLY for loading tunes onto F3 adapters. It is designed to be the simplest and cheapest solution for programming J3 style Ford chips. It cannot program other chips. The Jaybird CANNOT READ STOCK ECMs!!! If you require this functionality, you need to get BURN2+F2A+F2E instead. Software […]
Overview The F3 is a simple chip for EEC-based Ford ECUs allowing the stock program to be replaced with a tune of your choice. To install, simply clean contacts of the EEC connector with carb cleaner and a mild abrasive such as scotchbrite or 220+ grit sandpaper, and slide the module on. It is critical […]
Tuner Pro is a piece of software written by Mark Mansur that is compatible with a great number of vehicles and ECUs. Download TunerPro here Originally written to modify GM and Ford binaries, the uniqueness of TunerPro is its ability to have Definitions. While this adds a slight layer of complexity to the end user, […]
EECEditor is a ROM Editor for many Ford vehicles.
About the QuarterHorse The QuarterHorse delivers in unparalleled fashion. It plugs into the J3 port like a chip, but can do much more. The QH hardware is compatible with all EEC-IV and EEC-V ECMs through 2004 equipped with a J3 port, allowing realtime tuning AND datalogging while the vehicle is operating. In order to realize the capabilities […]