Manufacturer Specific
Introduction The Honda EngineSim was introduced to allow interactive bench testing of Honda ECUs. It supplies the signals from the distributor and many sensors so that an ECU can be fooled into thinking it has a functioning, running engine connected when it is safely on the bench. Controls are simple: on/off switches and knobs to […]
Overview The F3v2 is a simple chip for EEC-based Ford ECUs (~86-04) allowing the stock program to be replaced with a tune of your choice. This unit was introduced in 2016 and replaces the prior F3 chip, which was discontinued due to parts needed to manufacture it no longer being available. Chips are supplied […]
Currently shipping QuarterHorses differ from the original in two subtle ways: There is a circuit to keep the QH’s memory using power from the Keep-Alive-Memory voltage supplied to the ECM with the key off. This should decrease the amount that the QH’s own battery is used in cars regularly driven. The BR2331A solder-on battery has […]
Intro While it may look simple, getting the Honda logging cables we sell to work with CROME can be quite challenging. This document aims to provide troubleshooting steps to ensure you get up and running. Drivers and ports on your laptop, CROME settings, chip contents and ECU hardware all come into play. “HULOG” and “Hondalog” […]
Intro This is intended to provide a brief overview of the steps required to get up and running tuning an OBD1 GM vehicle. It is deliberately vague. Instead of providing an exhaustive guide here, there are a series of links to smaller tasks and explanations. 94-95 LT1 vehicles are going to be an exception not […]
Introduction Logging a wideband in TunerPro RT can be a little complicated because it requires simple algebra and a basic knowledge of how ADCs and widebands work. While there are a few steps, it’s fairly straightforward. The steps to do this are going to be virtually identical for all vehicles that TunerPro works with. This article […]
Introduction Lately, there have been several users having issues getting a Nissan ECU with a 20×2 header that looks like it should be compatible with Nismotronic to work. There are some extremely subtle differences between the ECUs that do and do not work. Identifying Problematic ECUs All of the ECUs that we have seen so […]
Lately, we’ve seen a lot of interest in using the RoadRunner as a general purpose ROM emulator for the Bosch ME7 platform as found in ~2000-2005ish Volkwagen 1.8t and Audi 2.7t applications. This is an “off-label” application and you should NOT expect “plug and play” ease of installation. This isn’t something that we’ve played with […]
Cloning Ford ECMs You can use our tools to “clone” a 1986 – 2004 Ford ECM, without needing any definitions or tuning software. There are a few caveats: 1. ECUs must have the same hardware ID. You can’t mix and match tunes from different hardware IDs without having unpredictable (i.e. FAIL) results most of the time. […]
Introduction: Firmware Update There has been one major firmware upgrade for the QuarterHorse. There is minimal impact for EECIV users (i.e. Foxbody, 94-95 GT) but EECV users will see a much bigger difference. What changed? EECV 2 bank operation completely changed (affects 96-98 vehicles ONLY) Fix to data presentation and corruption during large numbers […]
Introduction On some vehicles, the QH doesn’t work well due to an excessive amount of electrical noise or ground potential differences. In these cases, the optoisolator module we sell provides electrical isolation between your laptop and the QuarterHorse. While not a solution to electrical noise issues on the vehicle, it certainly can help. The main […]
Introduction Calibrated MAFs are something you are almost guaranteed to run into sooner or later tuning EECIV Fords. Although largely an artifact of yesteryear when tuning tools were not available, “calibrated” MAFs will work just as well as any other if you understand them. Few of the websites out there will really give you the […]
Introduction / Identification The Demon2, pictured above, is the newest in our line of Honda/Acura-friendly P28/P30/P72-compatible technology. Flawless realtime emulation, embedded datalogging, auxiliary ports, 16x calibration storage and encryption. The Demon II is designed to fit inside only USDM ECUs. If you have a JDM ECU, be sure to let us know when you […]
Introduction We probably get 20 emails a week of the form: “Dear Moates, My name is ________ and I have a _________ Ford. Can I use your products to tune my car/truck/van/etc. ?” Identifying J3 Port ECMs Our Ford products (F3 chip module, Quarterhorse) will work on pretty much any ECM that has a J3 […]
Introduction Although you can use our Ford hardware ( F3 Jaybird QuarterHorse ) on just about any 86-2004 Ford, software is much more lacking. Currently (2021) there are three primary software packages that support our Ford hardware – Binary Editor, TunerPro RT, EEC Editor. Each software package has a different set of ECMs that it works […]
Introduction If you purchase Binary Editor 2012 with a dongle from us, it will come pre-activated for Binary Editor and the Innovate Wideband logger. If you purchased EEC Analyzer, you will need to gather and send some information to Binary Editor’s author so an update can be issued for your dongle. Procedure Fire up Binary […]
Introduction The check sum routine is a piece of the ECU code that checks to make sure the program is valid. When you use the “Save” or “Save As…” commands in TunerPro, TunerPro updates the checksum automatically. This is why this is not a concern when burning chips – the checksum is updated when you […]
Intro All electronics will fail with age. A significant chunk of the failures are due to electrolytic capacitor failure. These components are virtually guaranteed to fail eventually, even under normal use circumstances. There are even calculators that can help you estimate how long a given capacitor will last! So why do manufacturers use these components […]
The ALDU1 is a simple logging cable. It attaches to the USB port of your PC and to the ALDL logging port on your vehicle. It allows your PC to communicate with your ECM. Basic Connectivity The ALDU1 uses a USB connection to talk to your PC. It uses the same FTDI drivers that all […]
Intro EFI Live Commercial Scan and Tune comes with two VIN licenses. To tune more vehicles, you must provide us some information when you purchase VIN or stream licenses. Requesting a New License Plug in your EFI Live FlashScan handheld to your laptop. Its display should be lit up. Double click on the “EFILive V7.5 […]
Our products (AutoProm, ALDU1) work with TTS Datamaster. We do not sell TTS Datamaster – this page is provided for informational purposes only. For more information, please see Datamaster’s website.
Our OBD1 tuning products ( AutoProm, ALDU1+CABL1, BURN2, Ostrich) will work with CATS OBD1 Tuner. We do not sell this package – this page is provided for information purposes only. For more information, visit
Introduction The QuarterHorse Ford tuning tool is supported by TunerPro RT version 5 and newer. This document will briefly cover the steps necessary for using the QuarterHorse with TunerPro RT. General Setup First, the QuarterHorse must have its drivers properly installed. The QuarterHorse uses the same FTDI device drivers as most of our other products. […]
Introduction In addition to any definitions you might find on TunerPro’s Webpage or TI Performance‘s webpage, there are also some definitions we try to maintain. If you are going to use the QuarterHorse with any of the strategies on this page with TunerPro, these are the definitions we recommend you use. TunerPro Defs from Moates […]
Introduction The hardware portion of the NEMU tuning package requires installation in an ECU to be functional. This install is NOT for beginners, although it is not extremely difficult with the correct tools. This article will walk you through the install from start to finish with lots of pictures along the way. If you still […]
Fairly regularly we get asked something along the lines of, “I had my car tuned by Joe Bob at Fast Bob’s Racing and he used a ___________ (not ours) chip. I want to make a few changes to the tune myself. What do I need to do it?” Here is the answer: We do NOT officially […]
About These ROM boards are for Nissans that use a 64k program with a 20×2 header. These boards require TWO 512k chips such as the C2 SST27SF512 chip that we sell or a 27C512. They require the same ROM image to be burned into both chips. They do NOT support switching between ROMs – single […]
About The Nemu+Nismotronic Tuning Package is a complete, single-vehicle solution. High-speed datalogging, emulation, onboard storage, and advanced custom ROM options: these features are available nowhere else! All the necessary ingredients for a complete turnkey tuning package are included: NEMU Emulation and Datalogging Hardware: Installs entirely within ECU, uses a single USB connection for logging and […]
Introduction The SocketBooster 1.0 exists to provide active conditioning for signals from our Ostrich2.0 and ChipExtender products. In some circumstances, the logic levels generated by these devices do not meet the specifications of the target device you are trying to use them in. The SocketBooster remedies this issue by essentially amplifying and conditioning the signal. […]
Introduction TunerCat OBD2 Tuner is a software package that allows tuning of 96-current GM vehicles. For some early 96-97 vehicles, it is often the only solution. TunerCat OBD2 Tuner must be purchased with our RoadRunner hardware (either with a complete RoadRunner ECM or just a RoadRunner Guts kit) due to licensing restrictions. TunerCat OBD2 Tuner […]
Introduction The AutoPROM is a complex device and it can be confusing to get up and running. This guide is intended to get you to the point where you are connecting to a vehicle and able to use its functions. Before continuing with this guide, make sure you have the computer that you wish to […]
Introduction Among other things, TunerPro RT brings a new definition format, the ADX. This is an extended version of the previous file format, ADS. The file formats are NOT compatible, but you can convert between them fairly simply. Unfortunately, the automatic conversion utility in TunerPro isn’t perfect so this guide exists to help you achieve […]
You will need bridge J1 on the back of the ECU. Add C49 & C50 and C91 & C92 on back C49 & C50 –> .004UF (Digikey part number 399-1230-1-nd ) C91 & C92 –> .00001UF ( digikey Part Number 399-1192-1-nd ) Add the 74hc373 SMD chip. (MFG part# SN74HC373NSR, Digi-Key Part Number 296-8310-1-ND) Add […]
This article provides a full overview of options and procedures for Ford-based tuning solutions. Everything is discussed, including year/model coverage, hardware compatibility, software licensing, cost breakdown, and tuning strategies. Read through this evolving article if you’re interested in Ford EEC tuning.
Requirements There are two products that we sell that can read the program in a factory ECM: BURN1/BURN2 with a F2A and F2E – This setup can be used to read ECMs on the bench. ECM does not need to be powered. QuarterHorse – This setup requires the ECM to be powered either by a […]
This page is intended to help people who have looked here to figure out if there is support for their vehicle. Each ECM has a 3 or 4 digit processor code that uniquely identifies it. You can tell what strategy a ECM uses from its box code or from looking at a dump of a […]
Introduction / Identification The Demon (or original Demon, Demon 1) pictured above is the first of our integrated devices aimed at Honda/Acura-friendly P28/P30/P72 OBD1 ECUs. Flawless realtime emulation, embedded datalogging, auxiliary ports, 16x calibration storage and encryption. The Demon is designed to fit inside both USDM and JDM ECUs including those with knock boards. The Demon […]
This is Keebler65’s old guide. Some of the chipset and software info is a bit dated, but the techniques are good. ECU Chipping You need to add a few additional components to the original Honda ECU. It requires some soldering skills and should not be attempted unless you have soldered before. (Chances are you know […]
Hulog/Hondalog Installation of Honda-Based USB Datalogging Tools There are two tools available for datalogging on Honda ECUs from and they include the HULOG and the HondaLog. HULOG: The HULOG comes in a plastic enclosure and ONLY requires a pin swap if it is an older unit. All the new units come with 1:1 connector […]
Although quite outdated, this is a very nice PDF tutorial written up by Darren Kattan. Check it out by clicking HERE
The ‘G3’ Switching Adapter (also: Using the ‘EX’ with the G3) Note: This product was updated in 2015. The original documentation (which still applies) follows with a discussion of differences between the original and current hardware. For placing several different binaries on a single chip for GM applications, the G3 adapter is the hot ticket. […]
HDR1 Instructions for using the ‘HDR1’ Memory Header The HDR1 memory adapter is primarily designed to download the existing code from a stock Memcal. It can be used for other things as well. For instance, if you want to use a UV eraser on your stock Memcal and then reprogram it without tearing stuff up, […]
G2 G2 TBI-Style 2732-to-29C256 Adapter Installation Instructions:Here is a pictorial depiction of a G2 installation in a TBI-style ECM. It shows the following: 1) Disassembly and removal of stock socket body. – Take note of the ‘stock’ 2732A chip orientation. Your 2732A chip will probably be in a little plastic holder. – Try and overcome […]
Notes from EFI Live’s Paul Blackmore regarding using the auto-tuning feature of EFI Live with Moates hardware: Check both axis of the VE table in the tuning tool to make sure the MAP and RPM headings (the ones colored sky-blue) have link PIDs associated with them. The link PIDs are usually displayed as {Link: SAE.MAP} […]
When you set up a Roadrunner in a vehicle, you will often need to force a ‘hard reset’ of the Roadrunner PCM. This is particularly true if you are using a custom OS or changing OS type. For using EFI Live, perform the following: Open up the software, and get the EFI Live Roadrunner Control […]
Good news: Our hardware (Quarterhorse, F3, F8, F2A+F2E) works great on diesel trucks Old Bad news: As of this time (2-25-10) there are NO PUBLIC DEFINITION FILES for software that supports our hardware. (TunerPro RT, EEC Editor, Binary Editor) New Better news: (2-13-13) The Minotaur software available from Power Hungry Performance will spit out bin […]
Good Choices (simple) You have three choices for tuning forced induction on a TPI ECM (i.e. 7730). Not REALLY a good option, but a simple one: use stock code, hack it around to be ok at WOT by power enrichment tables. This is ugly and only has a possibility of working for low boost setups. […]
Versions This is the documentation for the Nissan Boards. At this point, there are only one version of the boards, 1.1nm As future revisions to the board are produced, this page will be updated. Applications These boards are designed for S13 and B13 applications. They will NOT work with S14a ECUs that have a 20×2 […]
Binary Editor 2010 In order to issue you a license for Binary Editor, you must first download and install the software. ( ) Once you have downloaded and installed the software, go to the “Register” menu at the top of the screen and select “Register Binary Editor” Next, you will be presented with a […]
94 and 95 were also kind of odd years for GM computers as they transitioned toward OBD2. There are several groups of ECMs. 94-95 LT1,LT4,LTx: These can be tuned via TunerCATS ( link ) with the $EE definition and an ALDU1+CABL1 (94 – square ALDL style connector) or ALDU1+CABL2 (95 “D” shape OBD2 connector). These […]
Lately, we have been getting a lot of questions from people with 96-97 GM vehicles looking for a tuning solution. Unfortunately, these are transitional years where the electronics are incompatible with either the earlier and later computers that are well supported. There are a few solutions for people with 96-97 computers: -Convert to a 94-95 […]
(eventually this page will have more information) Basics When we talk about “OBD1” GM vehicles, we mean vehicles made from (approximately) 1986 to 1995. These cars used several different types of engine controller – some have one injector for each cylinder (Tuned Port Injection, or TPI along with the LTx motors) while some have fewer […]
(eventually this page will have more information) The main product that we make for 98+ GM vehicles is the RoadRunner emulator that allows realtime changes to be made to a LS1 ECM. The RoadRunner is designed to be used with either EFI Live or TunerCATS software. EFI Live is a comprehensive tuning software package that […]
“I have a Ford. What do I need to tune my car?” is an email we frequently receive. Hopefully this page will provide some answers. We also often get asked, “Can I use your product to let me put _______ on my engine?” The answer to this is very simple: our products let you tune […]
A Word of Warning This article was accurate as of the time it was written (2009) but things may have changed. At, we rely on information from our users about what works and what doesn’t work. Please investigate on and elsewhere to confirm the information you find here! Things may have changed and […]
Overview The G1 is an adapter that allows a chip or emulator to be plugged into OBD1 memcal based GM PCMs. The GP1 kit is a G1 chip adapter and two 27SF512 flash chips packaged together at a lower price. Compatibility The G1 is compatible with the following vehicles: 1986-1993 TPI & LT1 94-95 TBI […]
Overview The Jaybird is a USB based device used ONLY for loading tunes onto F3 adapters. It is designed to be the simplest and cheapest solution for programming J3 style Ford chips. It cannot program other chips. The Jaybird CANNOT READ STOCK ECMs!!! If you require this functionality, you need to get BURN2+F2A+F2E instead. Software […]
Overview The F3 is a simple chip for EEC-based Ford ECUs allowing the stock program to be replaced with a tune of your choice. To install, simply clean contacts of the EEC connector with carb cleaner and a mild abrasive such as scotchbrite or 220+ grit sandpaper, and slide the module on. It is critical […]
Overview The Honda chip kit contains all the components necessary to put a chip in your OBD I Honda ECU. There are two varieties of this kit, the USDM and JDM versions. JDM ECUs are smaller square ECUs that require surface mount components. The USDM ECUs are rectangular and use standard thru-hole components. This kit […]
Overview The HuLog, HondaLog, and Xtreme HuLog are USB datalogging adapters that are used to datalog Honda ECUs. Functionally the devices are identical, however the HuLog/Xtreme HuLog come in ABS plastic enclosures for protection. Also, the Xtreme HuLog will retain its COM port assignment regardless of what USB port is used. Tips and Tricks To […]
OVERVIEW The ALDU1 is a datalogger designed to work with OBD I GM vehicles. The ALDU1 is compatible with the CABL1 and the CABL2, which are interface cables that connect to GM OBD I and OBD II vehicle respectively. The ALDU1 can be purchased by itself, or as a combo with either the CABL1 or […]
Many Nissans can use our tools to reprogram their factory ECUs. Types of Nissan Computer Trivially chippable Nissans fall into several categories: 28 Pin EPROM (VG30DETT 300ZX Twin turbo, KA24E 240SX, RB26DETT R32 Skyline GTR, …) – If you see a 28 pin EPROM inside the ECU, this is your application. Ostrich 2.0 works in […]
The RoadRunner is the only available full blown emulator for LS1 PCMs – unlike other “emulation” software, the entire contents of the flash is emulated Real-Time, not just certain maps. It can also be used as a general purpose emulator in custom applications (Bosch Motronic, BMW, Miata, Nissan, …) It is designed for PSOP44 chips […]
Neptune RTP is a tuning hardware/software package for tuning OBD1 Honda and Acura vehicles developed by James Holy at HR Tuning. Quality hardware, quality software and solid support combine to provide what is arguably the most comprehensive package available for tuning these cars. More information can be found at the official Neptune site here. The Neptune […]
The Autoprom was the first Moates device. It is a combination Emulator, Chip Burner and Datalogger. Today you can buy these devices separately, however this package eliminates the need for 3 separate units. Compatibility As of writing this article, the only software known to be fully compatible with the Autoprom is TunerPro RT. TunerCat OBD1 […]
This page is here to add VTEC capability to your otherwise non-VTEC ECU. The reason we are able to do this, is because when Honda designed their ECUs, the boards for the P05, P06, P28, etc were basically all identical. For the ECUs like the P05 and P06 that did not require VTEC, the components […]
Tuner Pro is a piece of software written by Mark Mansur that is compatible with a great number of vehicles and ECUs. Download TunerPro here Originally written to modify GM and Ford binaries, the uniqueness of TunerPro is its ability to have Definitions. While this adds a slight layer of complexity to the end user, […]
To perform an auto to manual conversion on an OBD I Honda ECU, use the following procedure: Verify that you have an Automatic. You will know if there are resistors in RP17 and RP18 (next to the EEPROM) Remove RP17 and RP18 Replace RP18 with a jumper. (The one you removed from J12 usually works […]
Honda ECUs have a Diagnostic Generation, Model and a Board Revision. The diagnostic generations are OBD 0, OBD I, and OBD II. Examples of the model are P28, P72, etc. The board revisions are 1980, 11F0, and 1720. Diagnostic Generation (OBD 0, OBD I, OBD IIa/b) From top to bottom: Knowing the generation of your […]
Summary Only certain Hondas can be tuned using our hardware. In short, these are any vehicles that run a B, D, H, or F (Accord) series engine with a distributor and can run an OBD I ECU. Whether they accept these ECUs natively or via an OBD II to OBD I or OBD0 to OBD […]
CROME is a ROM-Editor written primarily for OBD I Honda ECUs. A Pro version is available for $149 which unlocks a hidden data-logging feature. CROME works natively with the following Moates hardware: Ostrich (both 1.0 and 2.0) Burn1 Burn2 HuLog (both Xtreme HuLog and Original HuLog) HondaLog [youtube][/youtube]
EECEditor is a ROM Editor for many Ford vehicles.
About the QuarterHorse The QuarterHorse delivers in unparalleled fashion. It plugs into the J3 port like a chip, but can do much more. The QH hardware is compatible with all EEC-IV and EEC-V ECMs through 2004 equipped with a J3 port, allowing realtime tuning AND datalogging while the vehicle is operating. In order to realize the capabilities […]