A Word of Warning
This article was accurate as of the time it was written (2009) but things may have changed. At Moates.net, we rely on information from our users about what works and what doesn’t work. Please investigate on PGMFI.org and elsewhere to confirm the information you find here! Things may have changed and we may not be in the loop.
Unsupported Vehicles
- V6 Hondas have very limited hardware and software support
- K-series Hondas have no support from hardware we make at this time
- 2001+ non-K series Hondas (D17, R18, etc.) have no support from hardware we make at this time
- Automatic Hondas have very limited support. Very little has been done with automatic transmission controls and many tuning packages eliminate the code used to control auto transmissions.
Unsupported ECUs
- Anything pre-1988 probably lacks spark control. There isn’t much if anything available software-wise for these ECUs. You might find 24 or 28 pin EPROMs inside, you might not. Your mileage may vary.
- 1988-1991 DPFI (Dual Point Fuel Injection – Throttle Body Injection) ECUs have zero software support. 90-91 models can be chipped like an OBD1 ECU hardware-wise, but that doesn’t solve the software issue.
- 1988-1989 Civic Si (PM6) and 1988-1991 CRX HF ECU (PM8) require a daughterboard we do not sell in order to be chipped. Use a 90-91 ECU on these model years.
- 1992-1995 JDM GSR Automatic ECUs (hardware design makes chipping them impossible. Auto JDM P30s are ok)
- 1996-2001 ECUs (OBD II – hardware design makes chipping very difficult to impossible, requires surface mount soldering tools and chips no longer available on the market.)
- Prelude ECUs (trivially chippable, but unless you are going to develop the software support, it doesn’t currently exist)
- V6 ECUs from Legend (early models can be trivially chipped, but unless you are going to develop the software support, it doesn’t currently exist)
- NSX ECUs (early models can be trivially chipped, but unless you are going to develop the software support, it doesn’t currently exist)
- Basically any ECU other than an Integra or Civic ECU is not well-supported
This information was last updated 2/4/09 by Dave Blundell.